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Democrats won't stop drivers license verification bill, Reid saysI love that little jab in there about how this bill is the so-called Real ID Act. As opposed to the so-called 'party of the people'??
WASHINGTON — A controversial bill that would require states to verify the citizenship or legal status of anyone applying for a drivers license will likely become law because Senate Democrats don't have the votes to stop it, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said Monday.
Aimed at illegal immigrants, the so-called Real ID Act is expected to be included in a final version of an $81 billion spending bill to fund the war in Iraq, according to Reid, D-Nev. House and Senate lawmakers begin negotiating a final version of the spending bill this week.
Reid and most Democrats had fought for months against the Real ID measure and succeeded in keeping it out of the Senate version of the spending bill. But Reid said Democrats have decided they would not hold up passage of the Iraq war spending bill solely because it includes the Real ID Act.
In any case, it's nice to know that since the various states cannot seem to get their sh!t together on who should or shouldn't have a drivers license that (for once) the federal government steps in to take the matter to a conclusion.
(Brain neurons to John Hawkins at Right Wing News for the lead)
Comments on Real ID to become law
But... I thought Republicans favored smaller and less intrusive federal governments...
Guess not. Guess as long as it's a republican government they can do whatever they like.
In NY when you get a drivers license you have to show a Birth Certificate. Just because some states that have more cows than people (or more idiots than brains) don't require it doesn't mean it takes a federal law. Next they'll be stopping us on the street...
"Zee paypas... let me see your paypas!"
|| Posted by scroff, April 27, 2005 09:15 AM ||