Michelle Malkin has a wrap-up of various people reviewing the advance screening of the up-coming Oliver Stone movie World Trade Center.
When I first heard of Stone making this movie, I cringed and thought Oh great.....another conspiracy theory movie for the silver screen.
Well, apparently that's not the case for one person:
Conservative blogger Jack Yoest also gives Stone two thumbs up after watching a special Washington screening last night:And like Michelle says, I too will reserve judgment until I see the movie.What it was and what it was not.It was not a conspiracy movie.
It did not bash Bush.
It was not sappy.
It was not about stupid, church-going nuts.
It did not mock marriage.
It did not blame America.
It did not support radical Islam.
It did not mock Marines.
It did not mock Jesus.
It did not mock cops.It did not mock family, faith or freedom...
...This is a movie that you will see in a few weeks and you will be glad you did. After the viewing, there was no applause, little talking. At the end, the crowd audibly exhaled, as one.
One thing that I hope is that all the people reviewing the movie are right and that it isn't another moonbat production mainly because I cannot see Nicholas Cage associating himself with something that would do disservice to the New York heroes that are portrayed in the movie.
I could be wrong - what was filmed might be perceived along a certain 'path' whereas it could be completely changed in the editing room in post-production.
We'll have to wait and see.
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Comments on Good Movie Review?
It is not a movie about war and death. It is a movie about the survival of the human spirit.
|| Posted by nunya, July 22, 2006 06:52 PM ||No offense Mikey, but I was kind of hoping that after your crisis with your squash, you may have been able to see the shades of gray in your black and white world. Apparently I was wrong. While I am happy you are still kicking and comparatively healthy, you still think very thin and shallow contexts. Same old "with us or against us" mind set.
Oh I do see 'shades of gray' in this world; I just don't apply them to this particular situation.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, July 23, 2006 06:51 PM ||When you go by what people like Michelle Malkin says, that is very two dimensional thinking. For once, you should try to NOT tow the party line and think in an individualistic mindset. This movie is going to tug at heartstrings and show us the human side of what happened.
|| Posted by nunya, July 24, 2006 07:11 AM ||Mikey,
When you go to see this...lemme know. I'd like to join you. I don't care to see it on my own, but I don't want to miss it either. I haven't seen Flight 93 yet either...another one I won't do alone but my movie watching buddy who promised to take me and his Mrs. left town. HMPF.
Hugs to you and the Mrs. and Mini-Mikey. Love you all DEARLY.
|| Posted by Gracie, July 24, 2006 08:20 AM ||R.I.P Dog Snot Diaries
|| Posted by elmo, July 24, 2006 08:46 PM ||Well, I'll do just as I do with all movies. Wait till it comes out on DVD.
|| Posted by Cait, July 25, 2006 07:00 AM ||